Oh to slurp just one more briny oyster with the beloved Jon Rowley. A cherished memory was watching Jon train the wait staff at Old Ebbitt Grill (15th Street, Washington DC).

You three legends have definitely knocked it out of the ballpark with this one! Wish I could afford to give everyone in my old, but re-resurrecting food bookclub a subscription. How about a group rate?

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The photo of incognito Ruth is right out of the Cindy Sherman cast list. Awesome look, Ruth. I hope the meal was as inspiring.

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As someone who travels regularly to visit bakeries and restaurants in Los Angeles, I’m here for this. (By the way, love that disguise picture, RR)

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I have a request. Lately I've been craving a delicious fishcake sandwich. This craving goes back to my mother's codfish cakes. She used salted codfish that came in a wooden box and the fish had to be soaked in several changes of water before cooking. Then the fish was mixed with mashed potatoes and pan fried. Mom was a great cook so I was a lucky kid.

Nowadays I prefer fishcakes made with crab or shrimp. I'm hoping the Three Ingredients team will take up the challenge of finding a great recipe for me.



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