Hi Mao. Thanks for subscribing! The bonus posts don’t always go up the same day as the show. You should see the bonus post for this week’s episode before our next show goes up on Wednesday.

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Thank you! I’ve been traveling and JUST saw this.

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As someone who always gets “pine mouth” eating pestos and pine nut dishes in many restaurants, it took me awhile to realize the connection to the country of origin: thanks for the tips re: both Sicilian pine nuts and pistachios! (And candidly, I’m still a sucker for an arugula and pistachio based pesto anyway - but the basil = terroir tidbit was awesome too!) I’m HOOKED! Can’t wait for ep. 3! Congrats, ladies! ❤️

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I have the folding, collapsing Brod & Taylor Sahara dehydrator.

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I too, can’t see the bonus….enjoyed the conversation

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About texture in food. I really feel that Chinese cuisine really understands and has codified textures and flavors in food. The crispy, bouncing teeth, and pleasantly rubbery descriptors are so useful. An interesting post in egullet highlights those.


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I just subscribed and love the format!

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But I can’t see the bonus content... what am I doing wrong here?

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Nancy I love looking at all the books behind you, I have started my list!

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Ottolenghi’s Nopi, to this diner, is too over the top “flavorful”

Thanks for my aha moment about dishes being too flavorful

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